A regular client of ours came to us yesterday evening with an interesting task: she wanted to set the Last-Modified HTTP header on an article page to the actual modified date of an article. We thought it was an easy task, until we started working on it.
You see, by default, Joomla sets the Last-Modified HTTP header to the current date, unless of course, it is using caching, in that case it sets the Last-Modified HTTP header to the cache time of the article. Logically, the Last-Modified date should be the last modification date of the article, but, in most scenarios, nobody cares about this. However, our client was using a tool which relied on the Last-Modified HTTP header in its data collection and display.
So, we dug in the code to find where the Last-Modified HTTP header was set, and we quickly (well, not so quickly) discovered that it was in the file web.php which is located under the libraries/joomla/application folder. In fact, the whole thing was done in this line:
$this->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT', true);
As you can see in the above line, the Last-Modified HTTP header is set to the current date and time; it completely ignores the modification time of any item the user is currently viewing. If we want to change the Last-Modified value to the actual modification time of the article, we’ll have to replace the above line with the following code:
$currentView =JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('view'); $currentOption =JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option'); if ($currentView == 'article' && $currentOption == 'option'){ $currentArticleID = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('id'); $sql = "SELECT `modified` FROM `#__content WHERE `id`='$currentArticleID'"; $db->setQuery($sql); $strDateModified = $db->loadResult(); $objDateModified = new JDate($strDateModified); $strDateModified = $objDateModified->format('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT'; $this->setHeader('Last-Modified', $strDateModified, true); } else $this->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT', true);
The above code will work, however, there is one little problem with it: it is a core modification, and that’s why, at itoctopus, we have devised a better method to do this job, we have developed a plugin, and you can download it here! All you need to do is to just download the plugin, install it, enable it, and that’s it! Your article pages will display the actual last modification date of the article, and not the current date.
Now, here are some FAQs about the plugin:
- Is it really free?
Yes – it is free. You can use it anywhere and for anything. You can modify it and do anything with it. An attribution to itoctopus would be nice, but not necessary.
Is it supported?
No – we do not offer free support for any of our extensions, since all of our extensions are free. If you would like support for any of our extensions then please keep in mind that our fees apply.
Does the plugin only work with Joomla articles? Can it work with K2 items?
As it is, the plugin only works with Joomla articles, but, it can easily modified to accommodate other types of content items, such as K2 items. If you need help in this area, then please contact us.
Finally, we would like to stress the point that the plugin is provided as is, without any explicit or implicit warranty/responsibility. It may or may not do what we claim it does, and it may or may not destroy your website or our entire solar system if used, we don’t know, so use at your own risk! Again, we don’t assume a shred of responsibility for this plugin, so use at your own risk!
Oh, and by the way, we have a quick note to the Joomla team, the onAfterRespond can never ever be triggered. Please check the code in the respond function; it took us ages to discover that this event does not work!