“The table ‘#__session’ is full” Error in Joomla

A client emailed us this Saturday morning and told us that he was seeing a blank page on every page on his website. Clearly that was the sign of a fatal error. Naturally, all we had to do was to search through the logs in order to find out what the problem is; it didn’t […]

Joomla 404 Pages Causing Load and Memory Issues – How to Fix

Note: The solution presented in this post consists of a core modification, since it addresses a Joomla bug. Proceed at your own risk and always backup your Joomla website before modifying core files. Oh, and don’t forget that future Joomla updates may wipe out your changes (so you may need to redo them after each […]

URL Rewriting Not Working on a Joomla Website: How to Fix

We had an interesting job today: a regular client called us in the morning and told us that he can’t get URL rewriting to work on his Joomla 3.5.1 website. He told us that when he set Use URL Rewriting to Yes in the Joomla’s Global Configuration, all the URLs, with the exception of the […]

How to Submit Data from a HubSpot Form to Your Joomla Website

A client of ours, who has been using HubSpot extensively for a couple of years now, asked us for something fun! He wanted to grab the contact data (when a new form was submitted in HubSpot) in order to create a Joomla user out of it. In other words, whenever someone fills out a specific […]

How We Analyze the Logs for Suspicious Logins on a Joomla Website

An important daily task that we perform on the large websites that we maintain is the checking of the IPs that successfully accessed the backend section of the website. We check where these IPs are coming from, and, if they are coming from an unusual location (such as a remote country), then we will look […]