Joomla’s Backend Displaying phpMyAdmin

We had an interesting case today – a client of ours told us that whenever he tries to login to the administrator section of his website, he was seeing phpMyAdmin‘s login page instead of Joomla’s regular administrator login page. At first, we thought we misunderstood what the client said, but it didn’t take us long […]

Joomla Website Crashing Constantly After Moving to a Larger Hard Disk

A regular client called us a week ago and told us that, after moving his Joomla website to a larger hard drive, it started crashing constantly. We checked the load on his server and it was super high (in the double digits) which explained the constant crashing, but didn’t really reveal the root cause. So, […]

Internal Server Error When You Use PHP 5.5 for Your Joomla 3.x Website

For the somewhat technically savvy, the title of this post may seem like an oxymoron: Joomla 3.x should run very well on any PHP version ranging from 5.3.10 through version 7! So why should it have a problem with PHP 5.5 (or higher versions of PHP)? To answer this question, let us tell you a […]

How to Disable Browser Caching in Joomla’s Backend

We received the following email from a client yesterday: “I’ve had a problem for about a year with my company website. It makes me attempt the login 3-5 times before getting into the backend, and then when I’m in, I have to save any change I make to the site either 2, 3, or 4 […]

Google News Not Displaying Images for Joomla Articles: How to Fix

A high traffic law news website that we have worked on many times had a long-time problem with Google News – a problem that we were made aware of a few weeks ago. It wasn’t a serious problem, but it was quite annoying: whenever they posted a new article on the website, Google News would […]