Monitoring the Logs: A Proactive Technique to Ensure Your Joomla Website Remains Secure

OK – we have to admit it. We’re paranoid and we’re afraid of our own shadows, we’re also afraid of clowns (they really are scary), adult strangers talking to us in the streets, and, of course, being sucked down the bathtub drain (baths are always a nightmare). But our greatest fear is seeing a client’s […]

Optimizing JComments in Joomla’s Backend

A client of us called us and told us that they were were experiencing huge slowdowns when using JComments in the backend – such slowdowns were affecting the whole website and sometimes lasting for several minutes! After a quick investigation in the slow query log, we were able to isolate the 3 queries causing the […]

A Super Fast Way to Clean a Hacked Joomla Website

Note: This post assumes you have cPanel access to your website. The instructions for other hosting interfaces are different and are not covered in this post. Warning: The method described in this post will wipe out any core modifications that you might have on your Joomla website. You have been warned! Another warning: As explained […]

“Files – Search”: A Free Joomla Plugin that Will Search Through Files

Ah search plugins, we love them, we truly do! Every time we get a job to create a search plugin we fight amongst ourselves as to who will create this plugin! We have created search plugins that will search core Joomla tables, non-core Joomla tables, specific modules, etc… We even created search plugins that will […]

The Quickest and Best Way to Update a Joomla Website

Note: This post is about updating a Joomla website, and not migrating it. See the difference between the two here. A few weeks ago, Joomla released Joomla 3.4.5, which is a critical security update that closes a SQL injection exploit existing in previous versions of Joomla. At the time of its release, we got so […]

“Bad Request: Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.” Error When Trying to Access Your Joomla Website

A client of ours emailed us a few days ago and told us that whenever he tries to access his website, he’s seeing the following error: Bad Request: Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit. He told us that he was the […]